Never underestimate TVET in producing skilled talents

In the journey of embarking on digitalisation, there is an urgent need to beef up the skills of our local talents to reduce the risk of being displaced by automation and that is by providing them with a suitable education. 

However, this automation-driven labour demand comes together with the requirement of talents equipped with advanced skillsets in driving innovation. 

On the positive side, automation can create new opportunities due to factors such as rising incomes, higher spending on education, an ageing population that will make way for the creation of new occupations, increased spending on infrastructure, and increased investments in technology. 

The uplifting cycle of recognition, appreciation, and elevated starting salaries embodies the transformational journey of TVET graduates. It is a journey that paints a picture of hope, inspiration, and promise—a journey where a change in mindset is not just a buzzword but a beacon illuminating the path to a brighter and more prosperous future for individuals, employers, and the nation. 

To encourage participation, a change in mindset needs to be undertaken extensively by changing the social perceptions toward TVET as a less prestigious choice of study to one that sees it as a valuable platform to generate a high-skilled labour force for the nation. Enhancing TVET delivery and rebranding TVET education are processes that are needed if we are to attain an industry-ready talent pipeline.  

Future Edge College is dedicated to providing the students with the best education, training and a positive learning experience that will equip them in their path to pursue a successful career. It provides excellence in teaching and learning, promotes students’ success, and supports economic development.