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Game-changing Skill-Based Programmes
Discover Your Strengths with Skills
Higher Salaries with Skills

Game-changing Skill-Based Programmes

Do you believe that university education is the only ticket to a successful career? Think again! Skill-Based Programmes are proving to be a game-changer in the world of work, offering students the opportunity to launch fulfilling and well-paying careers right after training.

In fact, according to recent statistics, an impressive 98.7% of Skill-Based Programme graduates in Malaysia secured employment soon after their training in 2019. Don’t let misconceptions hold you back from unlocking the full potential of Skill-Based Programmes. Get ready to explore a world of endless possibilities and jumpstart your career today!

Discover Your Strengths with Skills

Are you tired of feeling like university is the only option for a successful career? Look no further, because Skilled-Based Programmes are the quick and creative alternative you’ve been searching for! 

With a focus on practical learning and hands-on experience, Skilled-Based Programmes cater to students who excel in applied and creative work, rather than traditional academic subjects. Say goodbye to the stress of academia and hello to a career-focused education that prioritises your strengths and interests. 

Join the 98.7% of Skilled-Based Programme graduates who are employed soon after training and start your path to success today!

Higher Salaries with Skills

It’s time to consider a career path that’s a better fit for your strengths – Skill-Based Programmes. With Skill-Based Programmes, you’ll receive the hands-on, real-world experience that employers value so much. 

The benefits don’t stop there – a survey by the School to Work Transition (SWTS) found that the minimum wage for skilled workers ranges from RM3,500 to RM5,000, which is an average of RM1,500 to RM3,000 more than the starting salary for fresh graduates from universities and colleges. 

That’s a significant financial reward for choosing a career path that’s more aligned with your skills and strengths. So why not give Skill-Based Programmes a chance and start your journey towards a fulfilling and well-paying career?